Takanaka Super Live

This week I started doing extra hours at work. I want to earn a bit more money at the end of the month. And since I work from home I barely register the extra daily hour. It also helps that I’m a senior at a small startup so there’s always a lot of stuff that needs to get done asap.

Takanaka-san has been keeping me company as of late.

I was listening to some of his albums on youtube when I found this concert from 2 years ago:

Masayoshi Takanaka (高中 正義) - Takanaka Super Live ~ Saudade 40th Anniversary (2022)

The algorithm then guided me towards Katsumi Horii Project’s Lovers

and then Casiopea’s Light and Shadows

The album is great overall, I really liked it. But when it got to track 10, Riddle, I really though youtube had auto-played onto a Donkey Kong remix.

March 20, 2024